YouTube からの、ジョージ・タケイ氏映像クリップ集です。
2024/11/20 The Roddenberry Archive: George Takei: A Remembrance of Gene’s Gift
2020/08/05 George Takei: 75 Years After the Bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
2020/07/23 A Conversation with George Takei, Star Trek’s Sulu (1994)
2019/09/07 George Takei on His New Memoir, “They Called Us Enemy” | Amanpour and Company
2019/08/13 George Takei Was Sent to a Japanese-American Internment Camp at Age Five
2019/08/09 NC Japan Center with George Takei
2019/08/04 George Takei on “The Terror: Infamy”
2017/09/05 『アリージャンス/忠誠』ジャパンプレミア上映に向けてジョージ・タケイさんからのメッセージ
2015/06/17 忠誠|| 2015ワールドプレミア-オールドグローブ座
2014/07/05 ジョージ・タケイ: かつて自分を裏切った祖国を愛している訳
2014/06/28 To Be Takei Official Trailer 1 (2014) – George Takei Documentary HD
2014/10/04 George Takei: Experiencing Tokyo’s Robot Revolution | Takei’s Take Japan
2014/09/27 George Takei: Skeletonics, Wearables, Robots Oh Myyy! | Takei’s Take Japan
2014/09/20 George Takei: Tokyo’s Startups — A New Era of Innovation| Takei’s Take Japan
2014/09/12 George Takei: Tokyo, Home of Global Tech | Takei’s Take Japan
2014/08/22 George Takei Reconnects with Family | Hiroshima Part 3 | Takei’s Take Japan
2014/08/15 George Takei Remembers Hiroshima Part 2 | Takei’s Take Japan
2014/08/04 George Takei Remembers Hiroshima | Takei’s Take Japan